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Planning Board Minutes 11/02/2000
(603) 798-4350

NOVEMBER 2, 2000

PRESENT: Chairman Tracy Scott, Joanna McIntosh, Harold Arey, Ron Lesieur, Richard DeBold, Jeff Jordan, Skip Lawrence, Stan Brehm, Secretary Andrea Deachman

Chairman Scott introduced the Board and asked the members of the Board to review the minutes of October 5, 2000.

Motion was made to accept the minutes as written.

                McIntosh/DeBold                 (Passed)

DESIGN REVIEW:          Rick Fillion
                Site Review – New Business
 Continued from October 5, 2000                Custom doors, windows and vanities
                Map 4, Lot 168, Dover Rd & Main St.     

ABUTTERS PRESENT:  Board member Ron Lesieur recluses.

Mr. Fillion presented the Board with plans for the site review. Question on lighting was asked. Some abutter names had not been changed from the previous plan. He will need to change abutters Lary Ryan to Larry Ryan and Elwin Flanders Map 4, Lot 165 to Northern Home Sales.

Design review closed.   

PUBLIC HEARING:         Rick Fillion
                Site Review – New Business
 Continued from October 5, 2000                Custom doors, windows and vanities
                Map 4, Lot 168, Dover Rd & Main St.     

ABUTTERS PRESENT:  Board member Ron Lesieur recluses.

Mr. Fillion presented the Board with final plans.  After review the Board was in agreement that abutter Lary Ryan needed to be changed to Larry Ryan and Elwin Flanders to Northern Home Sales Map 4, Lot 165.

Motion was made to accept the plan with the above changes.

                Arey/DeBold                             (Passed)


DISCUSSION:                                    Wendy Cassetta
                                                        Home Occupation, Cassetta Critters
                                        Map 3, Lot 69,  Trap Road

Wendy pet sits for people at her home or at their home. She will have 9-13 dogs 6 of which are her own.  Crates are mostly for her own dogs and she also crate trains for other people.  She also uses the crates for wildlife rehab. She treat special needs animals and animals with specific care needs.

Dogs are in all night and barking is kept to a minimum.

Wendy has people who are volunteers that come and job shadow to learn how to be pet sitters.

Wendy will proceed as a home occupation. She will get Secretary Deachman all abutters, from Chichester and Loudon.

December 7, 2000 proceed with public hearing.   
DISCUSSION:                                     Joe & Pat Brown/Theresa Cassavaugh
                                        Map 7, Lot 35A-1 Bear Hill/Durgin Rds.

Surveyor David Noyes presented plans to the Board.  This subdivision was presented to the Board in 1995 and was approved at that time, with a few changes, topography around the septic system, zoning districts, driveway, and soils.  Mr. Noyes will check the tax map numbers, update owners and abutters, remove old septic and add new and fix all the changes.

Design review/Public Hearing will be heard December 7, 2000.

DISCUSSION:                                     Mike Sampson
                                                        Lewis Insurance Property
                                                        New Business- NE Resource
Recovery Assn. a Non – Profit Org.
Map 2, Lot 81 Dover & Bailey Roads

The business is working mostly with recyclables, no hazardous waste.  None of the processing will be on the property all of that is done at transfer stations and they just facilitate the process.

They will be parking up to 3 empty tractor-trailers and a truck along with a glass crusher and some plastic storage bins.

This will be a 6 to 8 person office.

Site review is needed; Mr. Sampson will contact Secretary Deachman when he is ready to continue.


DISCUSSION:                                     BUILDING REGULATIONS
                                                        Dave Paveglio - Building Inspector

Most of the building regulations are BOCA  and we don’t need to state any of the issues that BOCA handles.  Impact fees need to be addressed, as the building inspector is responsible for collecting the fees.

Mr. Arey and Mr. Paveglio will work on the regulations and bring the changes to the Board in December.

DISCUSSION:                                     CENTRAL NH REG. PLANNING COMM
                                                        Michael Tardiff

Mike Tardiff addressed the Board on CNHRPC membership.  Mr. Tardiff explained that there are 20 towns included in CNHRPC area 18 are members.  They now have 7 employees with 3 planners.

Fees are based on .95 cents per capita or about $2,000.00 for Chichester membership.

They have meetings once a month and other educational workshops during the year.

The billable rate is $32. per hour. Master plan updates for instance would per chapter and billing is project by project with possible partial funding in some cases.

The town would have 2 representatives. Mr. Tardiff invited the Board to come and sit in on a meeting. The Board thanked Mr. Tardiff for his presentation.

DISCUSSION:                                     ZONING
                                                       Ballot Questions?
                                                        Suggestions                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              There is a wording change which needs to be researched to find out if it needs to be fixed on a ballot question or just Planning Board public hearing.

Zoning issues will be placed on the Agenda as a public hearing for December.

Motion was made to adjourn.

                Arey/McIntosh                   (Passed)

Meeting adjourned at 9:30pm

                                                        Respectfully submitted

                                                        Tracy Scott